February 2015

Monthly Archives

Toasted Coconut & Ginger Butternut Squash Soup

This soup is misleading–in the John Mayer sort of way. He must be the most romantic and loyal guy with all of those sweet lyrics, right? This soup’s lyrics is its lusciously rich texture. It has to be loaded with cream and high in fat. Wrong, on both accounts! This soup is actually dairy-free and […]

Asian Meatball SLAWB ™

You’ll be hooked with one bite, I promise ya. Infused with citrus and ginger, this slaw is tangy and bright. I swapped the granulated sugar that’s usually included in coleslaw for naturally sweet ingredients like string beans and bell pepper. The result is exactly the zing you want between two crusty pieces […]

Middle Eastern Dressing with Cilantro & Roasted Pepper

You bought a bunch of cilantro, only to use 3 measly stems to flavor guacamole last weekend. Now, midweek, it’s hanging out in your fridge waiting for the inevitable–to turn slimy, dark, and utterly useless, but to coat the bottom of your trash bag of course. Save your herb’s fate by […]