The Face Behind the Screen
I work for Dannon–the yogurt company–and own my own business as a Recipe Developer and Editor for various publications such as Platejoy, NPR, The Daily Meal, Fit Bottomed Girls, and more. I started my professional food journey working in the test kitchen at Fine Cooking magazine, then moving to the digital editorial department.
That’s what I do, but isn’t it more fun to know who is writing what’s on your screen? Some describe me as a grandma, but I think that’s too complimentary (my Nanni is pretty fantastic.) Yes, I get excited about homemade soap at an uncomfortable level and I wish that baggy sweaters were in style. But I’d say I’m more of the odd, sometimes embarrassing (or fun, depending on your mood at the time), twenty-something kind who blurts out what everyone’s thinking but doesn’t say. I lived in South America for almost 2 years, box competitively, and have seen Back to the Future an unsettling amount of times.
I do however, in grandma fashion, love to feed others, and between my family, friends, and co-workers, I usually smell like baked ham (my boyfriend doesn’t mind), garlic, or an ugly combination of whatever else is stewing.
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